A Club for British Car Enthusiasts
Lanco MG Club started its journey back in 1983 to facilitate a connection between British car enthusiasts. Our club provides a supportive and inclusive environment for individuals who appreciate these iconic vehicles, whether you own one or simply admire them from afar. Membership in the Lanco MG Club is open to all British Sports car enthusiasts, regardless of vehicle ownership.
Membership Benefits
Joining our community not only connects you with fellow enthusiasts but also unlocks many exciting benefits and opportunities for involvement.

Membership Meetings
Our meetings typically take place on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 3:00 PM, often at a local restaurant or a member's residence. Please refer to the meeting schedule for specific dates and venues. If you're interested in joining or simply want to experience the club's atmosphere, feel free to attend one of our meetings. If you require more information, feel free to get in touch.
Fee & Joining Procedure
Annual membership dues are $20.00 for individuals or $25.00 for joint membership (member and partner).
To join, please download and print the membership application and send it along with your annual dues to:
Lanco MG Club
P.O. Box 7721
Lancaster, PA 17604
For further inquiries, do not hesitate to contact any of our Club Officers.

Our Officers
2025–2026 Term

Ralph Spayd
[email protected]

Deb Eckert
[email protected]

Secretary & Editor
Steve Dellinger
[email protected]
Gloria Ciarrocca
[email protected]
Board Members

Andy Schneggenburger

Richard Trexler

Pam Preston

Gloria Ciarrocca
[email protected]
Our History
The Inception
Established in 1983, the Lanco MG Club has a rich history of bringing together enthusiasts of MG vehicles. Lanco MG Club was founded by Gloria Ciarrocca in 1983.
A Passion for MGs
Since her earliest memories, our founder has harbored a deep affection for MG automobiles. The allure of the MG Midget captured her imagination, leading her to vow to one day possess such a marvel. At the age of 21, amidst her college years, she fulfilled that dream, acquiring a 1970 navy MG Midget with wire wheels. Despite her attachment, circumstances led her to part ways with it after graduation. However, her passion for MGs endured, prompting her to seek out another. Transitioning to MGBs, she scoured regions from Harrisburg to Lancaster, ultimately securing a 1970 MGB from a dealer.
Discovering a Community
Upon acquiring her MGB, adorned with an AMGBA badge, she stumbled upon a revelation—a national club dedicated to MG enthusiasts. Eager to delve deeper, she attended an event in Kingston, Ontario, discovering a vast network of like-minded individuals. Learning that Philadelphia had the nearest club, she resolved to establish a presence closer to home. Armed with flyers, she initiated the Lanco MG Club, convening its inaugural meeting in July 1982 at Buchmiller Park.
Forming the Club
With our first membership meeting, 1983 officially saw the birth of the Lanco MG Club, boasting twenty-three charter members. By December, our club's logo graced the newsletter, symbolizing unity. Proposals for the logo poured in from members, with Mike Himmelbers' design ultimately earning the community's endorsement. As our ranks swelled, bronze plaques featuring the emblem were crafted, thanks to the contributions of Nathan Zimmerman. Under the leadership of President Gloria Charles and her dedicated team of officers, the Lanco MG Club embarked on a journey defined by camaraderie and shared passion.
Community Engagement and Growth
Our members actively participated in Mini-Con 84 held in the Poconos, showcasing five cars and drawing a group of eight enthusiasts. Notably, our member Steve's Midget secured 2nd place, while Gloria Ciarrocca received recognition for her model collection and was honored as the 'MG Enthusiast of the Year' for her pivotal role in founding and nurturing our club. The inaugural Lanco MG Club Christmas dinner took place at the Country Mill in Millersville in December 1985, with a gathering of 21 attendees.
Fostering Participation and Club Development
In January 1986, our club introduced a point system aimed at incentivizing member attendance at meetings and club events, as well as attracting new members. The following year, the Lanco MG Club played a key role in hosting Mini-Con by organizing a rally for the convention. This event boasted an impressive turnout, with 105 MGs registered and representation from 21 MG clubs, as our own membership swelled to 44. The second Christmas Dinner, held at the Host Town in Lancaster, attracted 19 participants.
Structural Changes and Continued Expansion
With the dawn of 1987 came a shift in leadership, with Steve Raymond assuming the presidency. Alongside new officers, including Jim Potts as Vice President, Joel Beck as Secretary, and Dennis Lackey as Treasurer, the club's dues were adjusted to $8.00. By January 1988, Lanco MG Club boasted 68 members, a number that soared as the club journeyed to Niagara Falls for Mini-Con 88 in July. Subsequently, dues were revised to $10.00 for single and $16.00 for joint memberships in 1989, coinciding with the introduction of awards at the Christmas celebration, with Jeff Fishel clinching the inaugural 'Enthusiast of the Year' title.
Continued Growth and Event Expansion
By 1990, Lanco MG Club's membership had swelled to 87, under the leadership of President Tim Martin. That same year witnessed the inauguration of our first "Taste of Britain" British Car Show at the Lancaster Polo Field in Rothsville, PA, drawing an impressive turnout of 65 vehicles. Subsequent years saw exponential growth, with 128 cars in attendance in 1991 and 203 in 1992.
Milestones and Ongoing Commitment
Over the past three decades, our club has burgeoned to over 200 members, with the "Taste of Britain" event now attracting nearly 300 vehicles annually. The club's newsletter underwent several transformations, incorporating color for the first time in the December 1999 issue and transitioning to a leaflet format without staples by June 2001, under the stewardship of editor Dennis Blevins. Additionally, we embraced new ventures, such as the inception of the British Invade Gettysburg car show in 2001, spearheaded by Ralph Eriksen, which has since become an eagerly anticipated annual tradition.
Celebrating a Legacy of Fellowship and Adventure
Throughout its illustrious 40-plus years, we have hosted an array of events, from car shows and rallies to tech sessions and festive gatherings. Members have also participated in numerous conventions and shows across the nation, fostering lasting friendships and cherished memories along the way.
Bylaws (2024 proposed admentments italicized)
Article I: Name, Purpose, And Logo
A. Name: The official name of the club shall be "Lancaster County MG Club Inc.", a.k.a. (Lanco MG Club). Referenced as "the club" and/or "Lanco" in the following document.
B. Purpose: The purpose of the club is to promote the enjoyment and preservation of all MG's and other British sports cars.
C. Logo: The club logo shall be an outline of Lancaster County, PA, with the MG octagon logo and "Lanco Club" within the county outline.
Article II: Membership And Dues
A. Membership is open to enthusiasts of MG and other British sports cars.
B. The minimum age for club membership is eighteen (18) years of age.
C. The dues for club membership shall be reviewed annually by the board of directors and presented to the general membership at the regular club meeting in October. Dues are payable in full January of each year. Payment in full for single or joint membership constitutes current membership status. Full-year dues will be prorated for members joining after January.
D. Except as deemed necessary by the board of directors, single or joint membership(s) shall receive one copy of any and all newsletters, correspondence, and other literature distributed by the club.
E. All members, including a designated partner holding joint membership with current status, are eligible to vote on club matters at meetings or by private ballot voting.
Article III: Officers
A. The officers of the club will include the president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer.
B. The term of office shall be two (2) years for elected offices. The president cannot serve more than two (2) consecutive elected terms, (unless the two-consecutive-term limit is waived by a simple majority vote of Club members in attendance at a regularly scheduled Club Meeting.)
C. The vice president shall succeed to the office of president if the office of president becomes vacant.
D. If the vice president's office is vacant, the board of directors shall appoint an elected board member to fill the unexpired term of the president.
E. The board of directors shall consist of seven (7) members. The board will include the four (4) officers, the founder, and two (2) members from the club membership. The two (2) club membership board members shall be elected for a term of two (2) years and shall be nominated along with the other officers in October.
(If the Founder is elected as an Officer or Director, a third Director shall be elected from the club membership to comprise a seven-member Board.)
1. All voting actions of the board of directors will be by simple majority vote.
2. The board of directors shall appoint club support positions, e.g., webmaster, membership director, activities coordinator, or additional positions as necessary.
F. Nominations for officers and directors will be accepted (during the month of October.)
G. Elections of officers and directors shall be by secret ballot mailed in November, and results will be announced at the annual dinner. Elections to office will be by popular vote count.
H. If at any time an office becomes vacant before the end of a term, except that of the president, the board may appoint a member to fill the unexpired term.
Article III continued -
I. Board of Directors' Duties.
1. The president shall serve as chairman of the board and shall appoint all committees as appropriate. The president will also conduct the regular club business meetings and any special meetings as required.
2. The vice president shall perform the duties of the president in his/her absence and will serve as activities chairperson.
3. The secretary shall keep a record of the minutes of the club meetings, and those of the board of directors.
4. The treasurer shall have charge of the funds of the club, shall send out bills, shall pay all bills authorized by the board, shall give a report to the members at monthly meetings, and shall prepare an annual report in January for the past year.
5. The two (2) directors elected from the general membership shall help promote the club's purpose, give guidance to any and all officers as necessary, and provide coverage in the absence of either the treasurer or the secretary at a regular meeting.
6. The Founder shall serve as the public relations officer for the club, maintain the club's history and records, and assist the officers as required.
7. Personal Liability of Directors: No director of the club shall be personally liable for monetary damages for any action taken, or any failure to take any action in accordance with the provisions of 15 Pa. C.S. Section 5713 (relating to the personal liability of directors). (See Act of December 19, 1990, P.L. 834, No. 198, as amended.).
Article IV: Meetings
A. Meetings or club events shall be held monthly; the date, time, and location shall be announced to the membership on the club's website or by other appropriate means.
B. Special meetings may be called as needed by the president, who shall designate the time and place and see that those members involved are properly notified.
Article V: Monies
A. Any expenditure, other than normal operating expenses, in excess of (four hundred ($400) dollars) must be presented to the board of directors and approved by a majority vote of the board.
B. Surplus Funds: The use of any surplus funds for the private inurement of any person in the event of a sale or dissolution of the club is expressly prohibited, in accordance with Act 55 of 1997, as amended.
Article VI: By-Laws Amendments
A. Any and all proposed amendments to the by-laws shall be distributed to the membership in writing at a regular club meeting. After review and open discussion by the membership, the proposed by-law amendment(s) shall be voted upon for posting on the Lanco website. Upon a majority vote of those present, the by-laws proposal shall be posted on the Lanco website for a minimum of 3 weeks.
B. The vote for final acceptance of the proposed by-law amendment(s) shall be made at the next meeting following the posting on the Lanco website. The amendment(s) shall be adopted by the majority vote of the members present at that meeting. After final approval, the revised by-laws will be posted on the club's website.